
Connect to Dyff

Use Client to connect to Dyff Cloud at


Use of Dyff Cloud is currently restricted to research collaborators. Email to obtain an API key.

Provide an API token:

$ export DYFF_API_TOKEN="<your API token>"

Use the client:

>>> from dyff.client import Client
>>> dyffapi = Client()

Use Client with the endpoint parameter to connect to another Dyff instance:

>>> from dyff.client import Client
>>> dyffapi = Client(
...     endpoint="",
... )

You can set the DYFF_API_ENDPOINT environment variable instead.

When using a local cluster, use Client with a custom endpoint and add insecure=True to allow self-signed certificates:


The insecure flag should not be used in production.

>>> from dyff.client import Client
>>> dyffapi = Client(
...     endpoint="https://api.dyff.local/v0",
...     insecure=True,
... )

A subset of Dyff functionality is available without a Dyff cluster using DyffLocalPlatform.

>>> from dyff.audit.local import DyffLocalPlatform
>>> dyffapi = DyffLocalPlatform()

Artifacts save to ./dyff-outputs by default. Pass storage_root to use another directory:

>>> dyffapi = DyffLocalPlatform(storage_root="/path/to/outputs")

The local platform is useful for developing new tests.

Test the client

You should now be able to execute API operations. For example, you can list all of the Models in the system that your API token grants access to:

>>> dyffapi.models.query()
[<list of dyff.schema.platform.Model objects>]


401 Unauthorized error

You have not provided a valid API token. If you’re providing credentials via environment variables (as we recommend), check that the variable DYFF_API_TOKEN is set correctly. A Dyff API token looks like a long string of base64 characters.

403 Forbidden error

You have provided a valid API token, but it does not grant you permission to take the action you’ve taken. By default, many operations – like .create() and .data() – are permitted only for resources in your account.

404 Not found

A resource ID was not found in the system. For .create() operations, “not found” means that a referenced resource that is consumed by the created operation was not found. If you provided a valid ID, this might mean that the referenced resource has been permanently deleted. Newly-created resources may appear as “not found” for a short time after being created (the Dyff datastore is not “read-after-write” consistent).