Set up the cluster host

Add entries to /etc/hosts


This step should be done on the system where you run your web browser.

Append the following host entries to the /etc/hosts file to make cluster services accessible at the given hostnames on your system:

sudo cat >> /etc/hosts <<EOF       api.dyff.local       minio.dyff.local       s3.minio.dyff.local

The applications these correspond to are not running yet, but we will be able to verify them later.

Install development tools

The make install command will install the complete development environment:

make install

If ever the need arises, it is also possible to install each tool individually:

make docker
make kind
make kubectl

Add yourself to the docker group

In order for the cluster setup to be able to run non-sudo Docker commands, you must add your user to the docker group on your system. In order to do that run the following:

sudo usermod -a -G docker $(whoami)

Once you have added your user to the docker group, re-login for the changes to take place.