Service accounts

The Google provider must be configured with a service account. We recommend creating a separate service account per Terraform workspace. For the simplest scenario, this translates to:

  • One account for cloud resources

  • One account for cluster resources

Cloud service account

The service account to manage cloud resources needs the following roles:

  • roles/cloudkms.admin

  • roles/compute.admin

  • roles/container.admin

  • roles/container.clusterAdmin

  • roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin

  • roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

  • roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin

  • roles/storage.admin

  • roles/storage.hmacKeyAdmin

Cluster service account

The service account to manage cluster resources needs the following roles:

  • roles/compute.networkViewer

  • roles/container.admin

Configure the service account

Add a variable to inject the credentials into the configuration:

variable "google_cloud_service_account_file" {
  type = string

Pass the variable to the provider:

provider "google" {
  credentials = file(var.google_cloud_service_account_file)
  project     = "example"