
dyff-frontend is the API server for the Dyff AI auditing platform.

Deploy the dyff-frontend Helm chart:

helm install dyff-frontend oci://registry.gitlab.com/dyff/charts/dyff-frontend --version 0.2.0

To know the latest version dyff-frontend to install, go to the dyff-frontend Artifact Hub

If you want the dyff-frontend URL to be something other than https://api.dyff.io add the following flag to the helm install command:

--set config.apiUrl=https://host-you-want:port

Set up dyff-frontend with Ingress nginx.

If you want to helm install with Ingress nginx, you will need to pass the following flags in your helm install command:

--set ingress.enabled=true
--set ingress.className=nginx
--set ingress.hosts[0].host=host-you-want.com

Additionally, to set up tls for Ingress, pass the following flags in the helm install command:

--set ingress.tls[0].secretName=dyff-frontend-tls
--set ingress.tls[0].hosts[0]=host-you-want.com