
The dyff.client package provides a Python client for interacting with the Dyff REST API.


Install the dyff-client package from PyPI:

python3 -m pip install dyff-client


Here are well-known API locations:

  • http://api.dyff.local/v0 - A self-hosted Dyff on a local machine.

  • https://api.dyff.io/v0 - The Dyff instance hosted by the Dyff maintainers.


class dyff.client.Client(*, api_key: str, endpoint: str | None = None, verify_ssl_certificates: bool = True, insecure: bool = False)

The Python client for the Dyff Platform API.

API operations are grouped by the resource type that they manipulate. For example, all operations on Evaluation resources are accessed like client.evaluations.create().

The Python API functions may have somewhat different behavior from the corresponding API endpoints, and the Python client also adds several higher-level API functions that are implemented with multiple endpoint calls.

  • api_key (str) – An API token to use for authentication.

  • endpoint (str) – The URL where the Dyff Platform API is hosted. Defaults to the UL DSRI-hosted Dyff instance.

  • verify_ssl_certificates (bool) –

    You can disable certificate verification for testing; you should do this only if you have also changed endpoint to point to a trusted local server.

    Deprecated since version 0.2.2: Use insecure instead

  • insecure (bool) – Disable certificate verification for testing. you should do this only if you have also changed endpoint to point to a trusted local server.

property datasets: DatasetsOperations

Operations on Dataset entities.

property evaluations: EvaluationsOperations

Operations on Evaluation entities.

property inferenceservices: InferenceservicesOperations

Operations on InferenceService entities.

property inferencesessions: InferencesessionsOperations

Operations on InferenceSession entities.

property measurements: MeasurementsOperations

Operations on Measurement entities.

property methods: MethodsOperations

Operations on Method entities.

property models: ModelsOperations

Operations on Model entities.

property modules: ModulesOperations

Operations on Module entities.

property raw: DyffV0API

The “raw” API client, which can be used to send JSON requests directly.

property reports: ReportsOperations

Operations on Report entities.

property safetycases: SafetycasesOperations

Operations on SafetyCase entities.

class dyff.client.client.InferenceSessionClient

A client used for making inference requests to a running InferenceSession.


Do not instantiate this class. Create an instance using inferencesessions.client()

verify_ssl_certifcates is deprecated, use insecure instead.

infer(body: Any) Any

Make an inference request.

The input and output are arbitrary JSON objects. The required format depends on the endpoint and input/output adapters specified when creating the inference client.


body (Any) – A JSON object containing the inference input.


A JSON object containing the inference output.

class dyff.client.client.DatasetsOperations

Operations on Dataset entities.


Do not instantiate this class. Access it through the .datasets attribute of Client.

verify_ssl_certifcates is deprecated, use insecure instead.

create(dataset_request: DatasetCreateRequest) Dataset

Create a Dataset.


This operation may incur compute costs.


dataset_request (DatasetCreateRequest) – The dataset request specification.


A full Dataset entity with .id and other properties set.

create_arrow_dataset(dataset_directory: Path | str, *, account: str, name: str) Dataset

Create a Dataset resource describing an existing Arrow dataset.

Internally, constructs a DatasetCreateRequest using information obtained from the Arrow dataset, then calls create() with the constructed request.

Typical usage:

dataset = client.datasets.create_arrow_dataset(dataset_directory, ...)
client.datasets.upload_arrow_dataset(dataset, dataset_directory)
  • dataset_directory (str) – The root directory of the Arrow dataset.

  • account (str) – The account that will own the Dataset resource.

  • name (str) – The name of the Dataset resource.


The complete Dataset resource.

Return type:


delete(dataset_id: str) Status

Mark a Dataset for deletion.


dataset_id (str) – The dataset key


The resulting status of the entity

Return type:


documentation(dataset_id: str) Documentation

Get the documentation associated with a Dataset.

Get the documentation associated with a Dataset. Raises a 404 error if no entity exists with that key.


dataset_id (str) – The ID of the Dataset.


The documentation associated with the Dataset.

Return type:

Documentation :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError:

Get a list of signed GET URLs from which Dataset artifacts can be downloaded.


dataset_id (str) – The ID of the Dataset.


List of signed GET URLs.

Return type:

list[ArtifactURL] :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError:

download(dataset_id: str, destination: Path | str) None

Download all of the files in a dataset to a local directory.

The destination directory must be an empty directory that exists.

  • dataset_id (str) – The ID of the Dataset.

  • destination (Path | str) – The destination directory. Must exist and be empty.

  • HttpResponseError – If datasets.downlinks(dataset_id) raises

  • ValueError – If arguments are invalid

edit_documentation(dataset_id: str, edit_request: DocumentationEditRequest) Documentation

Edit the documentation associated with a Dataset.

Edit the documentation associated with a Dataset. Raises a 404 error if no entity exists with that key. Returns the modified Documentation.

  • dataset_id (str) – The ID of the Dataset.

  • edit_request (DocumentationEditRequest) – Object containing the edits to make.


The modified documentation.

Return type:

Documentation :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError:

get(dataset_id: str) Dataset

Get a Dataset by its key.


dataset_id (str) – The dataset key


The Dataset with the given key.

label(dataset_id: str, labels: dict[str, str | None]) None

Label the specified Dataset with key-value pairs (stored in the .labels field of the resource).

Providing None for the value deletes the label.

See Label for a description of the constraints on label keys and values.

  • dataset_id (str) – The ID of the Dataset to label.

  • labels (dict[str, Optional[str]]) – The label keys and values.

query(*, query: str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, id: str | None = None, account: str | None = None, status: str | None = None, reason: str | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, name: str | None = None) list[Dataset]

Get all Datasets matching a query. The query is a set of equality constraints specified as key-value pairs.

  • query (str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]])

  • id (str)

  • account (str)

  • status (str)

  • reason (str)

  • labels (dict[str, str])

  • name (str) – Default value is None.


list of Dataset resources satisfying the query.

Return type:




upload_arrow_dataset(dataset: Dataset, dataset_directory: Path | str) None

Uploads the data files in an existing Arrow dataset for which a Dataset resource has already been created.

Typical usage:

dataset = client.datasets.create_arrow_dataset(dataset_directory, ...)
client.datasets.upload_arrow_dataset(dataset, dataset_directory)
  • dataset (Dataset) – The Dataset resource for the Arrow dataset.

  • dataset_directory (str) – The root directory of the Arrow dataset.

class dyff.client.client.EvaluationsOperations

Operations on Evaluation entities.


Do not instantiate this class. Access it through the .evaluations attribute of Client.

create(evaluation_request: EvaluationCreateRequest) Evaluation

Create an Evaluation.


This operation will incur compute costs.


evaluation_request (EvaluationCreateRequest) – The evaluation request specification.


A full Evaluation entity with .id and other properties set.

delete(evaluation_id: str) Status

Mark an Evaluation for deletion.


evaluation_id (str) – The evaluation key


The resulting status of the entity

Return type:


Get a list of signed GET URLs from which Evaluation artifacts can be downloaded.


evaluation_id (str) – The ID of the Evaluation.


List of signed GET URLs.

Return type:

list[ArtifactURL] :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError:

download(evaluation_id: str, destination: Path | str) None

Download all of the files in an evaluation to a local directory.

The destination directory must be an empty directory that exists.

  • evaluation_id (str) – The ID of the Evaluation.

  • destination (Path | str) – The destination directory. Must exist and be empty.

  • HttpResponseError – If evaluations.downlinks(evaluation_id) raises

  • ValueError – If arguments are invalid

get(evaluation_id: str) Evaluation

Get an Evaluation by its key.


evaluation_id (str) – The evaluation id


The Evaluation with the given key.

label(evaluation_id: str, labels: dict[str, str | None]) None

Label the specified Evaluation with key-value pairs (stored in the .labels field of the resource).

Providing None for the value deletes the label.

See Label for a description of the constraints on label keys and values.

  • evaluation_id (str) – The ID of the Evaluation to label.

  • labels (dict[str, Optional[str]]) – The label keys and values.

query(*, query: str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, id: str | None = None, account: str | None = None, status: str | None = None, reason: str | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, dataset: str | None = None, inferenceService: str | None = None, inferenceServiceName: str | None = None, model: str | None = None, modelName: str | None = None) list[Evaluation]

Get all Evaluations matching a query. The query is a set of equality constraints specified as key-value pairs.

  • query (str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]])

  • id (str)

  • account (str)

  • status (str)

  • reason (str)

  • labels (dict[str, str])

  • dataset (str)

  • inferenceService (str)

  • inferenceServiceName (str)

  • model (str)

  • modelName (str)


list of Evaluation resources satisfying the query.

Return type:




class dyff.client.client.InferenceservicesOperations

Operations on InferenceService entities.


Do not instantiate this class. Access it through the .inferenceservices attribute of Client.

create(inference_service_request: InferenceServiceCreateRequest) InferenceService

Create an InferenceService.


This operation may incur compute costs.


inference_service_request (InferenceServiceCreateRequest) – The inference service request specification.


A full InferenceService entity with .id and other properties set.

delete(service_id: str) Status

Mark an InferenceService for deletion.


service_id (str) – The inference service key


The resulting status of the entity

Return type:


documentation(service_id: str) Documentation

Get the documentation associated with an InferenceService.

Get the documentation associated with a InferenceService. Raises a 404 error if no entity exists with that key.


service_id (str) – The ID of the InferenceService.


The documentation associated with the InferenceService.

Return type:

Documentation :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError:

edit_documentation(service_id: str, edit_request: DocumentationEditRequest) Documentation

Edit the documentation associated with an InferenceService.

Edit the documentation associated with an InferenceService. Raises a 404 error if no entity exists with that key. Returns the modified Documentation.

  • service_id (str) – The ID of the InferenceService.

  • edit_request (DocumentationEditRequest) – Object containing the edits to make.


The modified documentation.

Return type:

Documentation :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError:

get(service_id: str) InferenceService

Get an InferenceService by its key.


service_id (str) – The inference service id


The InferenceService with the given key.

label(service_id: str, labels: dict[str, str | None]) None

Label the specified InferenceService with key-value pairs (stored in the .labels field of the resource).

Providing None for the value deletes the label.

See Label for a description of the constraints on label keys and values.

  • service_id (str) – The ID of the InferenceService to label.

  • labels (dict[str, Optional[str]]) – The label keys and values.

query(*, query: str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, id: str | None = None, account: str | None = None, status: str | None = None, reason: str | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, name: str | None = None, model: str | None = None, modelName: str | None = None) list[InferenceService]

Get all InferenceServices matching a query. The query is a set of equality constraints specified as key-value pairs.

  • query (str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]])

  • id (str)

  • account (str)

  • status (str)

  • reason (str)

  • labels (dict[str, str])

  • name (str)

  • model (str)

  • modelName (str)


list of InferenceService resources satisfying the query.

Return type:




class dyff.client.client.InferencesessionsOperations

Operations on Inferencesession entities.


Do not instantiate this class. Access it through the .inferencesessions attribute of Client.

verify_ssl_certifcates is deprecated, use insecure instead.

client(session_id: str, token: str, *, interface: InferenceInterface | None = None, endpoint: str | None = None, input_adapter: Adapter | None = None, output_adapter: Adapter | None = None) InferenceSessionClient

Create an InferenceSessionClient that interacts with the given inference session. The token should be one returned either from Client.inferencesessions.create() or from Client.inferencesessions.token(session_id).

The inference endpoint in the session must also be specified, either directly through the endpoint argument or by specifying an interface. Specifying interface will also use the input and output adapters from the interface. You can also specify these separately in the input_adapter and output_adapter. The non-interface arguments override the corresponding values in interface if both are specified.

  • session_id (str) – The inference session to connect to

  • token (str) – An access token with permission to run inference against the session.

  • interface (Optional[InferenceInterface]) – The interface to the session. Either interface or endpoint must be specified.

  • endpoint (str) – The inference endpoint in the session to call. Either endpoint or interface must be specified.

  • input_adapter (Optional[Adapter]) – Optional input adapter, applied to the input before sending it to the session. Will override the input adapter from interface if both are specified.

  • output_adapter (Optional[Adapter]) – Optional output adapter, applied to the output of the session before returning to the client. Will override the output adapter from interface if both are specified.


An InferenceSessionClient that makes inference calls to the specified session.

create(inference_session_request: InferenceSessionCreateRequest) InferenceSessionAndToken

Create an InferenceSession.


This operation will incur compute costs.

  • account_id (str) – The account that will own the evaluation.

  • inference_session_request (InferenceSessionCreateRequest) – The inference service request specification.


A full InferenceSession entity with .id and other properties set.

delete(session_id: str) Status

Mark an InferenceSession for deletion.


session_id (str) – The inference session key


The resulting status of the entity

Return type:


get(session_id: str) InferenceSession

Get an InferenceSession by its key.


session_id (str) – The inference session id


The InferenceSession with the given key.

label(session_id: str, labels: dict[str, str | None]) None

Label the specified InferenceSession with key-value pairs (stored in the .labels field of the resource).

Providing None for the value deletes the label.

See Label for a description of the constraints on label keys and values.

  • session_id (str) – The ID of the InferenceSession to label.

  • labels (dict[str, Optional[str]]) – The label keys and values.

query(*, query: str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, id: str | None = None, account: str | None = None, status: str | None = None, reason: str | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, name: str | None = None, inferenceService: str | None = None, inferenceServiceName: str | None = None, model: str | None = None, modelName: str | None = None) list[InferenceSession]

Get all InferenceSessions matching a query. The query is a set of equality constraints specified as key-value pairs.

  • query (str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]])

  • id (str)

  • account (str)

  • status (str)

  • reason (str)

  • labels (dict[str, str])

  • name (str)

  • model (str)

  • modelName (str)


list of InferenceSession resources satisfying the query.

Return type:




ready(session_id: str) bool

Return True if the session is ready to receive inference input.

The readiness probe is expected to fail with status codes 404 or 503, as these will occur at times during normal session start-up. The ready() method returns False in these cases. Any other status codes will raise an HttpResponseError.


session_id (str) – The ID of the session.



terminate(session_id: str) Status

Terminate a session.


session_id (str) – The inference session key


The resulting status of the entity

Return type:




token(session_id: str, *, expires: datetime | None = None) str

Create a session token.

The session token is a short-lived token that allows the bearer to make inferences with the session (via an InferenceSessionClient) and to call ready(), get(), and terminate() on the session.

  • session_id (str) – The ID of the session.

  • expires (Optional[datetime]) – The expiration time of the token. Must be < the expiration time of the session. Default: expiration time of the session.



class dyff.client.client.ModelsOperations

Operations on Model entities.


Do not instantiate this class. Access it through the .models attribute of Client.

create(model_request: ModelCreateRequest) Model

Create a Model.


This operation will incur compute costs.


model_request – The model specification.


A full Model entity with .id and other properties set.

delete(model_id: str) Status

Mark a Model for deletion.


model_id (str) – The model key


The resulting status of the entity

Return type:


documentation(model_id: str) Documentation

Get the documentation associated with a Model.

Get the documentation associated with a Model. Raises a 404 error if no entity exists with that key.


model_id (str) – The ID of the Model.


The documentation associated with the Model.

Return type:

Documentation :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError:

edit_documentation(model_id: str, edit_request: DocumentationEditRequest) Documentation

Edit the documentation associated with a Model.

Edit the documentation associated with a Method. Raises a 404 error if no entity exists with that key. Returns the modified Documentation.

  • model_id (str) – The ID of the Model.

  • edit_request (DocumentationEditRequest) – Object containing the edits to make.


The modified documentation.

Return type:

Documentation :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError:

get(model_id: str) Model

Get a Model by its key.


model_id (str) – The inference service id


The Model with the given key.

label(model_id: str, labels: dict[str, str | None]) None

Label the specified Model with key-value pairs (stored in the .labels field of the resource).

Providing None for the value deletes the label.

See Label for a description of the constraints on label keys and values.

  • model_id (str) – The ID of the Model to label.

  • labels (dict[str, Optional[str]]) – The label keys and values.

query(*, query: str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, id: str | None = None, account: str | None = None, status: str | None = None, reason: str | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, name: str | None = None) list[Model]

Get all Models matching a query. The query is a set of equality constraints specified as key-value pairs.

  • query (str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]])

  • id (str)

  • account (str)

  • status (str)

  • reason (str)

  • labels (dict[str, str])

  • name (str)


list of Model resources satisfying the query.

Return type:




class dyff.client.client.ReportsOperations

Operations on Report entities.


Do not instantiate this class. Access it through the .reports attribute of Client.

create(report_request: ReportCreateRequest) Report

Create a Report.


This operation will incur compute costs.


report_request – The report specification.


A full Report entity with .id and other properties set.

delete(report_id: str) Status

Mark a Report for deletion.


report_id (str) – The report key


The resulting status of the entity

Return type:


Get a list of signed GET URLs from which Report artifacts can be downloaded.


report_id (str) – The ID of the Report.


List of signed GET URLs.

Return type:

list[ArtifactURL] :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError:

download(report_id: str, destination: Path | str) None

Download all of the files in a report to a local directory.

The destination directory must be an empty directory that exists.

  • report_id (str) – The ID of the Report.

  • destination (Path | str) – The destination directory. Must exist and be empty.

  • HttpResponseError – If reports.downlinks(report_id) raises

  • ValueError – If arguments are invalid

download_logs(report_id, destination: Path | str) None

Download the logs file from the report.

The destination must be a file path that does not exist, and its parent directory must exist.

  • report_id (str) – The ID of the Report.

  • destination (Path | str) – The destination file. Must not exist, and its parent directory must exist.

  • HttpResponseError – If raw.reports.logs(report_id) raises

  • ValueError – If arguments are invalid

get(report_id: str) Report

Get a Report by its key.


report_id (str) – The report id


The Report with the given key.

label(report_id: str, labels: dict[str, str | None]) None

Label the specified Report with key-value pairs (stored in the .labels field of the resource).

Providing None for the value deletes the label.

See Label for a description of the constraints on label keys and values.

  • report_id (str) – The ID of the Report to label.

  • labels (dict[str, Optional[str]]) – The label keys and values.

logs(report_id) Iterable[str]

Stream the logs from the report as a sequence of lines.


report_id (str) – The ID of the Report.


An Iterable over the lines in the logs file. The response is streamed, and may time out if it is not consumed quickly enough.

Return type:


  • HttpResponseError – If raw.reports.logs(report_id) raises, or if the streaming response times out or encounters some other error.

  • ValueError – If arguments are invalid

query(*, query: str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, id: str | None = None, account: str | None = None, status: str | None = None, reason: str | None = None, labels: dict[str, str] | None = None, report: str | None = None, dataset: str | None = None, evaluation: str | None = None, inferenceService: str | None = None, model: str | None = None) list[Report]

Get all Reports matching a query. The query is a set of equality constraints specified as key-value pairs.

  • query (str | dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]])

  • id (str)

  • account (str)

  • status (str)

  • reason (str)

  • labels (dict[str, str])

  • report (str)

  • dataset (str)

  • evaluation (str)

  • inferenceService (str)

  • model (str)


list of Report resources satisfying the query.

Return type:


