Status flags

dyff.schema.platform.JobStatus = ('Complete', 'Failed')

The set of basic status values that are applicable to all “job” entities (entities that involve computation tasks).

dyff.schema.platform.EntityStatus = ('Created', 'Schedulable', 'Admitted', 'Terminated', 'Deleted', 'Ready', 'Complete', 'Error', 'Failed')

The set of basic status values that are applicable to most entity types.

dyff.schema.platform.EntityStatusReason = ('QuotaLimit', 'UnsatisfiedDependency', 'FailedDependency', 'TerminateCommand', 'DeleteCommand', 'Expired', 'Interrupted')

The set of basic reason values that are applicable to most entity types.

dyff.schema.platform.DataSourceStatus = ('Created', 'Admitted', 'Ready', 'Error')

The set of status values that are applicable to DataSource entities.

dyff.schema.platform.DatasetStatus = ('Created', 'Admitted', 'Ready', 'Error')

The set of status values that are applicable to Dataset entities.

dyff.schema.platform.DatasetStatusReason = ('QuotaLimit', 'DataSourceMissing', 'IngestFailed', 'WaitingForDataSource')

The set of reason values that are applicable to Dataset entities.

dyff.schema.platform.EvaluationStatus = ('Created', 'Admitted', 'Complete', 'Failed')

The set of status values that are applicable to Evaluation entities.

dyff.schema.platform.EvaluationStatusReason = ('QuotaLimit', 'Incomplete', 'Unverified', 'Restarted')

The set of reason values that are applicable to Evaluation entities.

dyff.schema.platform.InferenceServiceStatus = ('Created', 'Admitted', 'Ready', 'Error')

The set of status values that are applicable to InferenceService entities.

dyff.schema.platform.InferenceServiceStatusReason = ('QuotaLimit', 'BuildFailed', 'NoSuchModel', 'WaitingForModel')

The set of reason values that are applicable to InferenceService entities.

dyff.schema.platform.ModelStatus = ('Created', 'Admitted', 'Ready', 'Error')

The set of status values that are applicable to Model entities.

dyff.schema.platform.ModelStatusReason = ('QuotaLimit', 'FetchFailed')

The set of reason values that are applicable to Model entities.

dyff.schema.platform.ReportStatus = ('Created', 'Admitted', 'Complete', 'Failed')

The set of status values that are applicable to Report entities.

dyff.schema.platform.ReportStatusReason = ('QuotaLimit', 'NoSuchEvaluation', 'WaitingForEvaluation')

The set of reason values that are applicable to Report entities.