Grouping by UseCase and other concerns

The Dyff schema includes a special kind of “label” for resources called a Concern that is used to group resources according to well-known areas of concern, such as propensity to cause certain types of harms, or applicability to certain use-cases.

Currently, Dyff implements one kind of Concern called UseCase, but we intend to expand this taxonomy.


A UseCase is a kind of Concern that describes a concrete use-case (or application) of AI systems. The UseCase resource simply gives an ID to a description of a use case:

usecase = dyffapi.usecases.create(
        title="Underwater basket-weaving",
        summary="Using AI to weave baskets while underwater",


Prefer to re-use existing use cases from the "public" account rather than creating your own. This makes querying by use case more effective for finding related resources.

Labeling with Concerns

Use the .add_concern() and .remove_concern() API functions to label resources with appropriate concerns.


Currently, only Method resources can be labeled with concerns.

dyffapi.methods.add_concern("method-id", usecase)

Querying by Concern


This example relies on internal details of the data representation that may change at any time.

A future release will formalize the interface for querying by concern.

Internally, the .add_concern() function is adding a particular label to the resource. You can use this label to query resources by the concerns they are labeled with:

methods = dyffapi.methods.query(labels={"<usecase id>": "1"})

The label is formatted in this way so that a method can be labeled with multiple use-cases.