Workflow status

Every Dyff workflow resource has .status and .reason fields that are set by the platform to record the progress of the workflow. The following diagram shows the possible paths that the .status of a resource can take. The boxes with thick edges represent “terminal” statuses. Deleted is a special status that we will describe at the end of this section.

Workflow status transitions

Workflow status transitions

About status

When you create a new resource in Dyff, you are telling the Dyff platform to execute the computations of an associated workflow in order to progress its status from an initial Created status to a “success” status – either Complete or Ready. For example, the Evaluation workflow requires spinning up an InferenceSession containing one or more replicas of an InferenceService, feeding data to the session from a Dataset, and storing and verifying the outputs. This idea of the system trying to “reconcile” the status of a resource is similar to how the Kubernetes platform works.

The .status field records the last “milestone” in the workflow that has been reached. When you create a resource, it starts its lifecycle in the Created status. The Created status means that the resource specification has been added to the Dyff datastore, but no work has been done yet.

Many workflows require some computational work to happen. The Admitted status means that this computational work has begun.

Some workflows do not result in any computation. For example, when uploading a Dataset, the data passes from your local filesystem directly to URLs obtained from Dyff, so the workflow never enters the Admitted status.

Terminal statuses can be divided into “success”, “failure”, and “early termination”. The names of these statuses depend on the nature of the workflow. For workflows perform a computational “job”, like Evaluations, the success status is called Complete, and the failure status is called Failed. For workflows that produce an artifact that is meant to be consumed by other workflows, such as building an InferenceService, the success status is called Ready and the failure status is called Error. Any workflow that has not reached a terminal status may be terminated by the user, or sometimes by Dyff, in which case it enters the Terminated status.

All statuses


The Created status means that the resource specification has been added to the Dyff datastore, but no work has been done yet. The following reason values are associated with the Created status:


The reason will be None if Dyff has not yet processed the resource specification. This is the reason you will see in the resource specification returned by the resource creation endpoints.


This means that the workflow is waiting to be admitted because admitting it would cause computational resource use to exceed one or more quotas that are set for your account. For example, you may have a quota of 1 GPU on your account. If you create two Evaluation resources that each require a GPU, one of those resources will wait in the Created status with reason = QuotaLimit.


This means that your workflow depends on a resource that has not yet reached an appropriate success status. For example, you might create a Report that references the results of an Evaluation when that evaluation is still running. The report will wait in the Created status with reason = UnsatisfiedDepencency until the evaluation completes successfully.


The Admitted status means that computational work has begun in support of the workflow. Currently, the reason will always be None in the Admitted status.


The reason will be None if the workflow is in the first “stage” of its computation. Most workflows have only one computational step, so their reason will always be None in the Admitted status.

Ready and Completed

These statuses indicate that the workflow completed successfully. The reason will be None.

Failed and Error

These statuses indicate that something went wrong. They will always have an associated reason.


Applies to: all resources

This means that there was an error when creating the Kubernetes resource manifests needed to run the computational workloads for the workflow. This is usually due to a bug in Dyff; please report this to the developers.


Applies to: all resources

This means that the workflow depends on a resource that is in a failed or deleted status.


Applies to: Evaluation

The inference step of an evaluation workflow failed. Typically, this indicates a problem with the underlying inference service. For example, it may have raised an exception for one of the inference inputs, or it might have taken too long to return a response, resulting in a timeout error.


Applies to: Evaluation

The verification step of an evaluation workflow failed. For example, there may be missing or duplicated responses. Usually, this is due to an internal error in the platform, as the inference step is supposed to check for these errors and retry the problematic instances. The verification step is a fail-safe that is expected to always succeed.


Applies to: InferenceService

This is seen when an InferenceService calls for building a Docker container and the container build failed.


Applies to: Model

This is seen when a Model calls for fetching model data from a remote source (e.g., downloading neural network weights from Hugging Face) and the fetch operation failed.


Applies to: Report

There was an error while running a report.